Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Fall

Violet and I have always had trouble with picking out movies. We have spent literally three hours in the video rental before, just wandering around, looking for that perfect movie that matches our particular moods, desires, and taste--something that we can both agree on. This time around I requested that we find something funny, serious, deep, and visually stunning-- stressing the visual part. Wow, did I get everything I asked for and more. We ended up renting The Fall, with Lee Pace (who's acting we very much admire), and were astounded from the opening credits to the final scene.

Lee Pace plays an injured stunt double who befriends a little girl in the hospital and begins telling her an epic tale about a masked bandit and his assorted companions who are on a quest for vengance of a shared enemy, Governer Odeus.

The movie took seven years to film, compositing shots for multiple countries. The visuals are breath-taking, as the director combines landscapes and architecture from numerous cultures, blending them together with fascinating transitions to create a bright and colorful story world.

There are oceans, deserts, Escher-like labrynths, blue cities, wigwams that are palaces, butteryfly shaped islands, swimming elephants, spontanteously combusting trees, and characters as colorful as the world created for them.

This movie is definitly going on my birthday list. That is if Violet won't put up too much fuss about wanting it for her birthday.

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